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Birth Pangs

Standardized tests for higher education admissions are being replaced by other assessments in global universities. It's time for a rethink in India too.


Remaking Entrance Exams

10th and 12th grade board exams should serve as the true eligibility for higher education. Entrance tests should then focus solely on assessing aptitude.

FixIt: Overview

Round Table - Filling the Blanks

Current entrance exams don't evaluate students' aptitude for higher education. Instead, they only assess knowledge, analytical skills, and application skills.

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Standardised Tests at Global Level

Standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, and GMAT use different methods to assess students' competence for college, making specialized training necessary.

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Entrance Exams in the AI Age

Entrance exams should not retest existing knowledge and skills but focus on aptitude, thinking skills, and students' readiness for their chosen profession.

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What's Wrong with Entrance Exams?

Standardized tests have been used globally for higher education admissions but put undue stress on students. Many universities now no longer insist on them.

FixIt: School

Reforming School Education

Entrance examinations in India often repeat the evaluations already done through board exams. Instead, these exams should focus on testing students' aptitude.

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Unlocking the Power of Thinking

Thinking skills can be improved if Bloom's Taxonomy is adopted as pedagogy in classrooms. Learning should extend beyond just addressing the cognitive domain.

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Assessment Beyond Learning

Entrance exams should not repeat tests already done at the school level. But, they should evaluate students' readiness for higher education in diverse subjects.

FixIt: Act

Entrance Tests for the AI Natives

The need for extra coaching for entrance exams highlights deficiencies in school education. Schools should nurture students' mindset, values, and skill-sets.


Fostering Thinking Skills in Science

Teachers should prepare students for real-world challenges by fostering creativity, adaptability, and critical thinking through their science subject lessons.


A New Approach to Practical Science

Oxford's 'Project Calibrate' revamped science education using engaging methods and meaningful assessments, which improved student performance and teaching.

News for Students

Equipping Students for Examinations

Explore assessment methods to reduce stress, tips for boosting mental health, test-optional admissions, Indian students' stress, & medieval tutoring approaches.

News for Teachers

Guiding Teachers for Student Success

Tabitha Gould’s math teaching tips; AI in education; Cambridge’s new tracking tool; Australian SCI teachers’ struggle with creative thinking; C19th preps.

News for Parents

Parents' Role in Exam Support

Explore assessment methods to reduce stress, tips for boosting mental health, test-optional admissions, Indian students' stress, and medieval tutoring methods.

News for Leaders

Redefine Meritocracy and Assessments

Career-change teachers address shortages; Nepal calls for fairer assessments; Melbourne critiques high-stakes exams; UCLA revisits standard tests; SAT's impact.


Butterfly Effect and School Culture

Teachers can create a positive environment by instilling confidence and self-esteem in students. Even small actions can significantly affect their self-esteem.


Dual Coding: Better Classroom Teaching

Dual coding enhances retention by coding information in both visual and verbal forms, which reduces learning stress and improves understanding of concepts.

Higher Education

New Course-BTech in Design at IIT Delhi

BTech in Design is a trans-disciplinary program combining technology and design. It prepares students for leadership roles & entrepreneurship avenues.


Microsoft Gaming to Enhance UX

Microsoft has used gamification not only to help users master its products but also as an inspiration for learning new modules & engaging gamers effectively.


ICT Labs and Smart Classrooms for Girls

Digital literacy is crucial for girls from disadvantaged groups in Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas. It will enhance the quality of education they receive.


Scholarships for All Students

Applications are invited for the TATA Scholarship, AICTE Pragati Scholarship, HDFC Badhte Kadam Scholarship, and Computer Science Excellence Scholarship.


India's First 3D Printed School

The Arunachal Pradesh government has prioritized reviving publicly funded schools to make education more accessible for remote and underserved communities.


10 Bagless Days in School

The 10 bagless days will be used by students to engage in community activities, visit charity institutions, and receive training in vocational skills & trades.


Cybersecurity Hackathon

The Great AppSec Hackathon 2024 invites global college students to tackle app security issues, enhance their skills, & gain direct experience in cybersecurity.


Community Engagement & Skills

Youth should be given opportunities for community engagement and skill development, which is vital at a time when unemployment is rising across the globe.


Case Study in Scholastic Science

How to develop curiosity to learn science in schools? How can teachers display the wonders of the universe & help in developing creativity & thinking skills?


Entry Barriers and Career Success

Entry barriers for professional courses may get tougher when competition intensifies. But, success is not determined by success or failure in entrance exams.